You probably signed up for some premarital counselling sessions when you first got engaged, hopefully before getting married. An experienced marriage coach can help young couples reap the benefits of marriage counselling and gain a better understanding of how married life should be. Indeed, there are numerous reasons why it is beneficial for engaged couples to do so. It can assist you in better comprehending the magnitude of the commitment you are about to make. Couples counselling can also provide you with some of the tools you need to plan for the future. Furthermore, it can assist you and your partner in exploring issues such as money management, child-rearing, and how to balance your relationship with your in-laws. In short, pre-marriage counselling or couples counselling prior to marriage is a great way to make "easing into marriage life" much easier. However, many married couples make the mistake of assuming that counselling is no longer necessary after the wedding ceremony; that unless they are in serious trouble and/or contemplating divorce, there is no need to see a marriage counsellor.