Dr. Sachin Goyal
Sachin Goyal, a well known corporate trainer us serving the society since years through Antarnaad. He is corporate trainer for Posture-Ergonomics and soft skills trainings. With an international and national experience in the field, he is grooming the people with the best possible ways. He has done an extensive research on behavior and personality. He is a blog writer and article writer for various newspapers, web portals and magazines of India.
Mandeep Wason
Mandeep is passed out from Delhi University in Law. With a wide experience of corporate World programs, he won many awards in public speaking and in motivational talks. He is delivering personal skills and Train the Trainer workshops through Antarnaad.
Vani Dua
Vani Dua, an active counsellor in the field of personality and stress, behaviour and spirituality is well known trainer for soft skills and retreat programs. With an experience of National and International programs she has conducted various invigorating trainings and workshops for various groups of people. She is a meditation practitioner from past 16 years and has actively engaged in sharing her experiences. She spent an year in UAE teaching meditation and conducting various self help and motivational workshops for youth. She believes in inspiring and being inspired to spread goodness in the world which is much needed today.
Maa Shyama
Mrs. Shyamalatha Mohan Raj (Maa Shyama) is a spiritual healer with a mission to spread divinity and wisdom. Her journey of service started about 20 years ago when she started services for leprosy slums in Delhi. Keeping a faith in her own for lepers and their family, she started NGO for them which comprised education, food, clothes and medical facilities. Besides that she is working on many projects emphasizing Woman empowerment, life perspectives and stress management programs.
‘Maa Shyama’, a spiritual leader filled the hearts of millions with spirituality. She has a wide experience to understand the problems and their solutions related to stress in modern life. Reader and follower of ‘SHRI BHAGWAT GITA’, Maa Shyama has enlightened the life of various people in corporate world and general population.
For her best work, she is awarded from ‘KARAMVEER PURUSKAAR’. A vision of taking life as celebration, she is creating awareness about various aspects of life.
Neelakshi Tanima
Neelakshi Tanima, Nutrition consultant by profession, with the vision to create awareness and educate people about healthy eating practices, balancing the nutrients in diet, maintain healthy lifestyle and stay fit. She delivers talks and sessions related to maintain work-life balance, improve nutritional status of working woman in corporate and for housewives through Antarnaad. She also create awareness through YouTube videos related to health and nutrition.
Vishal Goyal
Vishal Goyal is a Corporate trainer & Wellness Coach with more than 5 years of experience working with major companies in and around Delhi-NCR . Having a background in Psychology and experiential realisations in spirituality Vishal is helping lots of Professional people managing their stress and mental health to help them give their best at work. He uses non-intrusive wellness methods like counselling, meditation, mindfulness, laughter yoga, art based relaxation to help others de-stress. Vishal has worked professionally as an entrepreneur and with his experience, is motivated to dedicate his efforts in helping others achieve the right work-life balance. Vishal is a postgraduate in psychology from Delhi University, a trainee with ISABS for sensitivity training, associated with ITAA. an NLP practitioner.
Dr. Pavitra Dixit
Dr P K Dixit is a well known corporate trainer for stress Management programs and for holistic healings. He is doing his practice in Acupuncture, Acupressure and dron healing, naturotherapy since 25 years. He is known for his skills in framing stress mnagement programs and Mind-Body Healing programs in Antarnaad and delivered a lots of projects.
Amitabh Singh
Dr. Amitabh displays his strong interest and passion for Alternative Healing Sciences, his works are dedicated to Holistic Wellness of Fellow Humans. Dr. Amitabh provides Diagnostic and Healing consultations to people with chronic and difficult physical and emotional ailments. His thought provoking and enlightening lectures are for those who are interested in alternative ways to improve their lifestyle, happiness and wellbeing.
Dr. Amitabh is an expert in management of Stress and Anxiety related disorders and provides personal coaching and consultations to the corporate leaders through Antarnaad. With a Degree in Business Management and Doctoral Studies in Behaviour Sciences from a premier North American University, he also has completed his Post-Doctoral studies in and Vedic Management, from Maharishi Overseas University, U.S.
Manmohan Arya
With a complete background in Yoga, Development studies, Journalism and Social work, his approach to yoga is one that honors the need for individual self study with the aim of improving interpersonal relations and common-unity. He studied yoga since childhood at Gurukul - Kangri Vishwavidyalay,Haridwar ,India , inspired by teachers such as Swami Nirajanand. Teaching yoga in a wide range of environments from the slums of National Capital Region to the confines of cities like Lucknow , Ghaziabad ,Faridabad , Gurgaon ,Greater Noida etc . By combing special aspects of Yoga like Yama, Niyama , Asana, Pranayama , Pratyahara ,Dharana ,Dhyan and Samadhi – With him an opportunity to explore the Spiritual path through the Physical means is arisen.
Dr. Anup Singh
Dr. Anup Singh, A physician by profession is serving the society through various means.With a good skills in his Medicine, he is the one who takes care of the medical camps organised through Antarnaad. He has served in slums, NGOs and various corporate through Medical Examination and consultancy. He is a corporate trainer for First Aid and CPR trainings too. He runs various awareness programs in corporate on Medical Issues of an employee.
Dr. Bharti Dua
Dr Bharti Dua is a trained prosthodontist, teacher, healer and an inspirational speaker. She works with undergrad and postgrad students of dental science and guides them to go beyond academics to strengthen their intuitive ability and empathy to heal the patients. She has conducted various seminars in national medical conferences and made paper presentations in various national conventions. She also holds a masters in Reiki healing and practices pranic healing, switch words and energy circles. She encourages people to shift the screen of their awareness from the outer ego to the inner consciousness and live with greater joy! In Antarnaad she conducts workshops on Leadership, Motivation and Stress Management.
Ethan Kumar
Mr Ethan Kumar is a well known professional trainer for mix martial art, muay thai , kick boxing etc. He has conducted various programs for women on self defence seminar through Antarnaad in various corporate. Having a vision of creating leaders and making the women self defensive, he is serving the society since decade.