5 Best exercises for frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, limiting its range of motion. While it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise regimen for frozen shoulder, here are five exercises commonly recommended to help improve flexibility and reduce discomfort:

  1. Pendulum Stretch:
    • Stand and lean over slightly, supporting your unaffected arm on a table or chair for stability.
    • Let your affected arm hang down straight.
    • Swing your arm gently in a small circle, about a foot in diameter.
    • Perform 10 circles in each direction, gradually increasing the size of the circles as tolerated.
  2. Towel Stretch:
    • Hold one end of a towel behind your back with your affected arm.
    • Grab the other end of the towel with your unaffected arm.
    • Gently pull the towel upward with your unaffected arm, stretching the affected arm upwards.
    • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times.
  3. Finger Walk:
    • Stand facing a wall, about 3/4 arm's length away.
    • Use your fingers to slowly walk up the wall, reaching as high as possible without causing pain.
    • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds at the highest point, then slowly walk your fingers back down.
    • Repeat 5-10 times.
  4. Cross-Body Reach:
    • Use your unaffected arm to lift your affected arm at the elbow and bring it across your body.
    • Hold the stretch with your unaffected hand, gently pulling the affected arm towards your chest.
    • Hold for 15-30 seconds, feeling a gentle stretch in the shoulder.
    • Repeat on the other side and perform 3-5 repetitions on each side.
  5. Wand Exercise:
    • Hold a stick or wand with both hands, palms facing down, and arms straight out in front of you.
    • Slowly raise the wand overhead, keeping your arms straight.
    • Lower the wand behind your head as far as possible, feeling a stretch in the shoulder.
    • Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.
    • Repeat 10-15 times, gradually increasing the range of motion as tolerated.

Remember to perform these exercises gently and gradually increase the intensity as your shoulder mobility improves. It's essential to listen to your body and avoid any movements that cause significant pain. If you experience worsening symptoms or severe pain, stop the exercises and consult with a healthcare professional.

Need more advice or treatment? Many health care experts at Antarnaad are always here to help you out. Antarnaad is a growing network of experienced physiotherapists, dietitians, nutritionists, fitness trainers and Yoga experts providing treatment for all the conditions. For more information visit our website www.antarnaad.net or call our Consultant: Mb: 9899700187.

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