Osteoporosis Diet: 7 Foods for Bone Health

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet full of nutrients is a critical part of body and bone health, especially when we grow old. Poor bone health can cause conditions like osteoporosis and increase the risk of breaking a bone from a fall later in life. Certain foods and supplements can help prevent osteoporosis, along with a plethora of other health benefits. Boosting our diet with vitamin-rich foods will help us look and feel our best. 

Dairy Products- It’s no surprise that the superstar of foods for osteoporosis is milk. Milk is brimming with bone-strengthening calcium—a crucial nutrient for building healthy bones. Go for low-fat or skim milk. Aim to eat 3 servings of dairy daily.

Fruits & Vegetables -Leafy green vegetables, called cruciferous veggies, provide several nutrients that support bone health, such as vitamin K and calcium, these nutrients play a role in bolstering bone health. Some of the best fruits and vegetables for osteoporosis prevention include - Leafy greens like kale, collard greens, spinach, and mustard greens, Figs, Broccoli, Oranges, Mushrooms, etc.

Nuts - Nuts contain some calcium, but they also offer two other nutrients essential to bone health: magnesium and phosphorus. Magnesium helps absorb and retain calcium in the bones while phosphorus is a key component of bones. There are plenty of nut varieties including walnuts, peanuts, and pecans, but almonds are always a good bet. One ounce (a small handful) of almonds is a good source of magnesium and provide some phosphorus. 

Seeds - Like nuts, seeds provide us with calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Seeds also provide fiber, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, they also lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation in the body, and keep the brain and nervous system working smoothly. Chia seeds, flaxseed (eat them ground), pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds are only a few great seed varieties. One ounce of sesame seeds, is an excellent source of calcium and magnesium, and a good source of phosphorus. 

Beans - All kinds of beans, including black beans, edamame, pinto beans, and kidney beans, serve up a hearty dose of bone-building nutrients like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. Beans are also typically high in fiber and protein, especially for those having a plant-based diet. Plant foods like beans can help reach that calcium target and provide additional nutrients. For instance, a cup of black beans, which offer 84 mg of calcium, are an excellent source of magnesium and phosphorus. They are also an excellent source of fiber and are a source of plant protein.

Lean Proteins - Salmon and tuna packs a healthy dose of vitamin D, a mighty nutrient that helps the body absorb and process calcium. Skinless chicken and other lean meats also provide a healthy dose of protein to support bone density and tissue growth. 

Fortified Foods - Certain foods are fortified with extra nutrients. Some breakfast cereals, orange juice, breads, and more have added calcium or vitamin D to help consume extra nutrients. Eat at least one serving of fortified foods daily. 

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