Muscle cramps are a common problem that many people experience from time to time. When one, part of one, or more than one of our muscles feels like it’s contracting or getting tight without any voluntary action — and we can’t get them to relax — that’s a muscle cramp. Muscle cramps happen for a few different reasons, but most commonly when muscles can’t relax properly.

There are several parts of our body where we most likely to get muscle cramps: Abdomen, Arms, Feet,  Hamstrings or the back of thighs, Hands,  Quadriceps or the front of thighs, the back of calves or lower legs. Specific home treatments are recommended to relieve a muscle spasm. These work for many people.

1. Stretching
Stretching the area that has the muscle spasm can usually help improve or stop the spasm from occurring. Below are stretches for the muscles in your calves, thighs, back, and neck.

4-stretches for calf muscle spasms
To do the first stretch:
1. Lie down, stretching the leg by pointing or pulling the toes toward head.
2. Hold for a few seconds or until the spasm stops.
3. One can also use a strap or belt looped around the foot to gently pull the top of the foot towards the head. This also works for a hamstring              muscle spasm.

Other stretches to do:
Stand and put the weight on the cramped leg, with knees slightly bent.
Stand on tiptoes for a few seconds.
Lunge forward with the leg that isn’t cramped, keeping the cramped leg straight.

Stretch for thigh spasms
1. Stand and hold on to a chair for balance.
2. Bend the leg at the knee and reach the leg backward from the hip.
3. Holding the ankle, pull the foot up behind towards the buttock.

4-stretches for back spasms
The first and easiest way to stretch a back spasm is to walk around, which can loosen the back muscles and relieve a spasm. Walk at a slow, steady pace to loosen the back muscles.

Tennis ball stretch:
1. Lie down on the floor or on a bed with a tennis ball (or another small ball) under the area with the spasm for a few minutes.
2. Try to relax and breathe normally.
3. Move the ball to an adjoining spot and repeat.

Exercise ball stretch:
1. Sit on an exercise ball and lie back, so that the back, shoulders, and buttocks are stretched out on the ball, with feet flat on the floor. Do this          near a chair or couch to hold on in case of losing balance. 
2. Lie stretched out for a few minutes.

Stretch for neck spasms
1. While sitting or standing, circle the shoulders by rolling shoulders forward, up, back, and down. Repeat this motion 10 times.
2. Then roll the shoulders in the opposite direction by moving them back, up, forward, and down. Repeat 10 circles in this direction.
        These shoulder rolls can be performed anywhere, while sitting in a car, at a desk, or even while standing in line somewhere waiting.

2. Massage can be a great way to relieve physical pain and muscle cramps.
1. Gently rub the muscle that’s in spasm.
2. For a persisting back spasm, try pinching the area around it hard and holding the pinch for a few minutes. Ask someone for help if not able            to reach the affected area. 

3. Hydration when you having a spasm, try drinking some water. To help prevent spasms, make sure to stay hydrated, especially if exercising or        if the weather is hot.

Need more advice or treatment? Many health care experts at antarnaad are always here to help you out. Antarnaad is a growing network of experienced physiotherapists, providing treatment for all the conditions. For more information visit our website www.antarnaad.net or call our consultant: Mb: 9899700187